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Film coming soon

While working on Wilder Life I was in charge of visual effects. I experimented and got a understanding of simulation and lighting. All of the moving plants in the film were created with ncloth in Maya.The lighting was a important process for certain parts of the film especially underwater shots, I wanted to involve caustic lighting in all of the underwater shots to give it a authentic feel. 

In the pre-production stage of the film I started to quickly learn the different aesthetics you could get with using ncloth, and started experimenting with different speeds, weights, and rigidity. This was once again a very similar process to when I started the simulation on the water apart from I was using Bifrost.


"A young flamingo begins to question her upbringing, refusing to conform to their everyday life."

My roles: Simulation, Animator, 3D Modeller, Displacement sculpting, Underwater lighting


Wilder Life was created in my third year at UCA Farnham. We were made up of a group of 3 - EGAD.

I also sculpted in Mudbox to create this Vector displacement example on our main character; Maisy. This helps give her more detail, and also helped me progress into other softwares.

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